#writetoearn These are all famous coins at one time. For now, we still have a few dollars and a few dollars to grow. Technology coins are quickly outdated, platform coins must be strong enough to develop the core and maintain finances to survive through the seasons. The first season like Ada,

But buying new coins this season is also dead.😅


The new coin project itself this season is not bad, but MM until the adjustment a few months ago was playing against the previous season. At the beginning of this year, it often released products with crazy prices and sky-high caps. The ones that have nothing but Cap are almost 1b to 1.5B. If you come in, it's already broken up 😪. (big cap, high price, low total circulating supply to reduce the initial airdrop % to avoid the situation of plowing the airdrop to sell out then list on the floor, push the bait and wait for the small fish to catch done) that's MM's new way to play coins this season. Now that article has been used. Looking at ZK and layer 0 500M cable makes me feel less upset. If it's the beginning of the year, this list of 2 must be close to 2B.

Now the price and cap of new tokens have stabilized. but everyone is gone. Now it's cheap and SW just collects cheap prices and shakes off small fish. I'm so happy 🫥

It's true that if you hold the card and have a card mirror, you can deal the cards any way you like 😃.