According to ChainCatcher, according to the Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily, WeChat, Taobao, Xiaohongshu and other apps have launched a pilot program for "online ID cards". Users can apply for a virtual "online ID card" through the "National Network Identity Authentication App (Authentication Version)" for real-name authentication. The pilot phase covers 67 applications and scenarios, including the National Government Service Platform, China Railway 12306, Taobao, WeChat, etc. This move aims to simplify the identity authentication process and ensure user privacy and security.

Previously, the Ministry of Public Security, the Cyberspace Administration of China and others studied and drafted the "National Network Identity Authentication Public Service Management Measures (Draft for Comments)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Draft for Comments"). The "Draft for Comments" contains a total of 16 articles, and the core is "providing natural persons with services such as applying for Internet numbers, Internet certificates, and identity verification." The "Draft for Comments" was publicly solicited for comments from the public on July 26, 2024, and the feedback deadline is August 25, 2024.