👏Hi! I'm your Mouse, and I'm here to bring you a new mission! 👀

MetaRacing is a blockchain-based racing game that combines thrilling car races with the benefits of NFTs, where players can buy and trade digital race cars and participate in various competitions to win valuable rewards. The use of blockchain technology ensures transparency and fairness in prize distribution, providing an engaging Play-to-Earn (P2E) experience.

With the ability to upgrade cars using LootBoxes, players can improve the performance of their vehicles and increase their chances of success. Meta Racing features a variety of race types, including Free, Street, and Legal, each offering unique challenges and prizes.

0 Future Airdrop

1️⃣Go to https://t.telegram/metaracinggame_bot/app?startapp=bonus_na6wzoobgx, TG applet (use this connection to get extra rewards)

2️⃣Click "EARN" below to complete the corresponding task to get points reward

3️⃣Complete daily sign-ins and play games to upgrade your garage and get corresponding points rewards

4️⃣Go to https://x.com/MetaRacing_io/status/1813867181173612701 for the project promotion and draw

5️⃣This mission has been introduced to Mouse Boy. Please follow me before you go! ヾ(•ω•`)o