The greatest sorrow of a family is not poverty or illness, but that family members cannot say a word to each other properly, and that they belittle and suppress their loved ones for a long time. They can speak gently, but they question and blame as soon as they open their mouths. They can answer seriously, but they argue, satirize, and ridicule as soon as they open their mouths. They speak in a sarcastic and sarcastic way, which makes the whole family full of smoke.

As parents, we are the first teachers of our children. If we cannot keep our own emotions stable, the emotions of the children we cultivate will definitely be unstable, and they will also lack love and security. It is the school teachers who teach, and it must be the parents who educate people, so parents should vent their emotions reasonably, teach by words and deeds, and set an example.

Family is by no means as cold and ruthless as reinforced concrete, but a warm harbor where people respect, understand and cherish each other. The wife is a mirror of the husband. The husband's attitude determines the wife's temper, and the wife's temper will affect the husband's fortune. The harmonious coexistence of the husband and wife. Will determine the quality of the whole family.

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