#rdnt unlocking;

What is #rdnt;

Radiant Capital is a decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol in the DeFi environment. It aims to create a unified, multi-chain money market by leveraging advanced blockchain technology. This innovative approach allows users to deposit and borrow a wide range of assets across various blockchains, significantly simplifying the process and improving the user experience in the DeFi ecosystem.

In summary, we can call it a decentralized stock market.

Let's get to our issue, the lock opening;

First of all, let's take a look at the token distribution to get an idea.

-Incentives %49

-Team %19

-Dao reserve %17

-Core distrubutors %7

-Treasury %6

-Pool2 %2

In fact, the distribution is not very nice and fair, but since the stage of commenting has passed, I am just giving the numbers and you will understand why.

lock opening;

First of all, let's say that most of the tokens and the potentially problematic part have been unlocked, and in fact, there is nothing left to examine, but let's look at the details;


Since the coin was launched, it has been distributed regularly every month, and 8.17 million units are unlocked on the 24th of each month. It will end in 2027.


The distribution started on 24.10.2022 and the distribution continues regularly every month, 3.28 million tokens are given to the team monthly, and will end on 24.07.2027.

3-Core Contributors (angel investors);

All the locks are opened..

4-Treasury (hazine);

All the locks are opened..

5-Pool2 (havuz2);

All the locks are opened..

6- DAO Reserve;

This section is untraceable. It is the section that was delivered to those who participated in the first coin distribution from Dao, on Dao's terms. I think most of these are finished because it took place in 2022 and the distributions generally end in 2 years in Dao.

Let's summarize quickly;

There is no vesting pressure for #rdnt, the price is determined entirely by market conditions, I do not see a situation that could create pressure, a total of 11.45 million coins are unlocked on the 24th of every month, if all of them tried to sell every month, this would be around 1.3 million dollars. cookie money :)

My own comment;#rdnthas no issues regarding vesting from now on, the market will rise, the coin will rise or fall, supply and demand are completely valid.

However, keep in mind the 24th of the month, there is a possibility of sales of around 1 million dollars every month.


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