A true story from my life. Years, I won’t write down the chronology.

I was about 23 years old. I graduated from the second institute, studied by correspondence, as a good job turned up. I had to cling to it and switch to correspondence.

I was doing, one might say, “nonsense.” I did “black” accounting and at the same time wrote software to automate processes. We then wrote software in MS Access.

I and another colleague worked on the software. Just at that time, we were actively advertising the Forex exchange, at every turn. And one fine and sunny day, my colleague and software partner comes running into my office and starts telling me about exchanges, trading, futures, stocks, currencies, etc. That you can earn good money, buy a car and an apartment, etc.

I’m a skeptic in this regard, I need to think about everything, weigh everything. Assess the risks. Think about what I will do if I lose everything, etc. I didn’t have to think long, the next day he and I were already sitting and studying the world of exchanges, trading, stocks, etc.

My first condition was that we try to come in little by little. If it works, we'll add money. Still, the area is unknown to us, we understand that there are many scammers in it. And we determined that we were entering the exchange with $10 each.

And so, the budget was determined. We became more or less familiar with the processes of the exchange. And the process of searching for an asset in which we will invest began. We found an exchange, downloaded the *.exe file where the trades were, and registered.

We looked at the shares, they were all kind of expensive, they wouldn’t go up by $10. And I didn’t want to invest everything at once. We planned to split this $10 into parts so that there would be a reserve. If you lose one part, then take the next one, etc.

For a very long time we could not determine what asset we would purchase. The condition was that $10 was enough to buy enough to make a trade. An unknown cryptocurrency caught our eye. We calculated that $10 equals a little more than 100 units of this crypt. The minimum you could bet on the exchange was 1 unit of this crypto. There wasn’t much choice, so we made purchases of this crypt.

There was a lot of work, a lot of software needed to be written, and there was an eternal backlog of black accounting. Either there are recounts at retail outlets, then sellers steal, then customs detained the goods, or something else. In terms of work, everything was 100-500%.

Yes, and I had no incentive to engage in trading on the stock exchange. The salary was high. For comparison, I received 27 times more than my friend. That is, I had no time for the stock exchange.

I opened this exchange only when my colleague and partner came to my office. Which brought me here. Well, I traded the same way only in his presence. As soon as he left, I switched to more realistic tasks at work.

Then he stopped reminding me about these trades. So I forgot about them. In general, I completely devoted myself to work and education. Then he got married and had children. And I already forgot about this situation. Life was so full of different problems that there was no time for the stock exchange. And those $10 were somehow forgotten.

A year ago I was sorting out my trash from the past. Well, there are MP3 discs, video cassettes with your favorite movie Blade. A bunch of electronics magazines. Super thick books on C++. I even found my medical card from the hospital, I looked at what diseases I had at 16 years old =)))

Flipping through another notebook of memories, the abbreviation BTC caught my eye. I already knew what it was and began to review my notes more carefully. There were few of them. Bought 100BTC for $10. Spent 10BTC on the exchange, balance 90BTC. (Amounts have been rounded to the nearest zero to make it easier to read.) I recorded the amounts, how much and when and where I spent, date, time. And there was no other information there. Actually, based on these notes, I later remembered this whole story.

But I didn’t write down the most important things in my notepad - passwords, seed phrases, a link to the exchange, or its name.

But now I know that in the world of forgotten and forever lost BTC, there is also my share in the amount of 90 BTC =)))

I looked for them and restored all my mailboxes from those times. I went through all the exchanges to restore my account. For about six months I tried to find more information necessary for recovery. Still, $5 million))) No results.

I sincerely believe that everything that happens to us happens for a reason, and is always for something. To improve us. But I can’t understand why this “time capsule” appeared to me)) There is no regret, no feeling of loss. I now treat these 90 btc exactly the same as I would a loss of $10)) Yes, and what happened in the past remains the same. I'm one of those who don't live in the past)

Perhaps this “time capsule” was created to write this article))

Hamsters, don't live in the past. We live here and now and try something new here and now! =))