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Important knowledge points for bottom-fishing:

Why should the transaction volume shrink during the callback of the coin in the rising period, and it is best to shrink it to the transaction volume before the band starts, which means that it has fallen to the bottom and is about to turn and rebound?

It can be understood as follows:

The transaction volume is an indicator of the activity of coin trading. Before the pull-up starts, the daily transaction volume is usually the amount of buying and selling between retail investors, which fluctuates around a fixed value.

When the transaction volume suddenly increases several times, in addition to strong positive news stimulation, it is usually the dealer who manipulates the market to raise the coin price. Subsequently, retail investors are attracted to chase the rise, the transaction volume continues to increase, and the coin price climbs.

But when the dealer starts to smash the market to clear the floating chips, the transaction volume gradually shrinks or changes violently, and the coin price continues to fall. The sign that the retail investors' floating chips have been cleared is that the transaction volume returns to the fixed value before the start. At this time, the dealer absorbs enough retail investors' chips and continues the next wave of pull-ups.

Therefore, comparing the daily transaction volume with the pre-launch is an objective and highly operable method to judge whether the coin price will continue to fall during the callback period.

For bottom-pickers, this is a crucial knowledge point that can help them grasp market trends more accurately and avoid risks. #美国政府转移BTC #比特币大会 #美联储何时降息? #美国以太坊现货ETF开始交易