From this alt score indicator, we can make a summary:

1. When the score is lower than 25, start investing in high-quality alts or BTC. The lower the score, the more you buy.

2. When the score is higher than 75, start selling alts and BTC in batches. The higher the score, the more you sell.

According to this method, it is easy to make money. From the historical trajectory, it has never failed.

Continuing to analyze this indicator, we can see that each big market lasts only 3 months. If you don’t have coins during the main uptrend, it will be difficult to deal with it later. In addition, the selling point is 3-4 months after the main uptrend starts. If you don’t sell or are reluctant to sell, you will not make money.

From the K-line analysis of BTC and ordi, this round of start time is about one week around July 12.

In addition, the group and Twitter 7.13 also said that this round of market should have started, so don’t wait any longer.

How miserable is the alt now? Let’s put it this way, the big bear market in 22 years was not so miserable. The lowest score of the alt in 22 years was only 14 points, and the lowest score on July 30 was 12 points. This is why some people say that the losses in a bull market are worse than those in a bear market. There may be no bull market or bear market in the future. The market will have a boom once a year, and you have to sell it after 3-4 months. If you forget to sell it, you will lose it all.

​Wash for half a year, rise for a few months, fall for a few months, and it will be over in a year. ​This is the jungle law of the currency circle. How many people understand it? ​If you are a novice in the current currency circle, or if you don’t like to learn, it is basically impossible to make money, unless you only play spot BTC.