My Crypto Futures (or Casino gambling) trading rules

🍎Check resistant and support levels, when you enter. Avoid entering in the middle.
🍐Buy only 1 coin, do not open multi positions
🍊Buy for 20% of deposit, the rest 80% will be for managing position and risks.
🍋Buy on desktop, after proper chart analysis. Never buy from Mobile device.
đŸ‹â€đŸŸ©Check market news & market trend. Follow the trend or bet against it.
🍌Always fix the profit, 20-30% min, new opportunity will come, be creative 
🍉Learn how to put stop loss and take profit orders. It will save you from big troubles
🍇Wait for the USA market to open, West Cost timing before making any major trades and enter the positions
🍓Calculate the potential future movement of the asset, and consider the market trend and news. Does the position you’d like to open make sense afterwards? 
đŸ„„98% of the people trading here, do not know what they are doing, 1% are big whales manipulating the market for their benefit. 1% belongs to your luck, trading strategy and very limited knowledge. Do you still want to play this game? 
🍒Never read and follow the creators on Square and their opinions - 99% of the are wrong, including me. 
🍍Future trading is the Casino and Gambling. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. 80% of the chance that you will lose money, sooner or later.
đŸŒ¶ïžGood luck!