The US Strategic Bitcoin Reserve will be funded in part by revaluing Fed gold

The plan proposes to establish a "Bitcoin Purchase Program" of up to 200,000 BTC per year over five years.

In his speech, Trump supported using the US government's existing Bitcoin holdings (mainly obtained through confiscations and seizures related to criminal cases) as the "core" of the new "National Strategic Bitcoin Reserve".

According to the draft, the Secretary of the Treasury will establish a "Bitcoin Purchase Program" to purchase up to 200,000 Bitcoins per year for five years, totaling 1 million Bitcoins. These Bitcoins will be held for at least 20 years and can only be used to repay federal debts. Thereafter, no more than 10% of the assets may be sold in any two-year period.

The plan calls for allocating $6 billion to the Treasury from all net profits turned over by the Federal Reserve from fiscal years 2025 to 2029, and reducing the Federal Reserve Bank's discretionary surplus funds from the current $6.825 billion stipulated in the Federal Reserve Act to $2.4 billion.

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