
Through careful observation of the past few days, I found that the dealer's control method is quite scheming.

It will not soar or plummet, and the fluctuation range is within 5%, and sometimes even 1~2%. This approach prevents you from doing swing trading, because the handling fee is not enough for swing trading, and you can basically not make any money by opening contracts!

So the result he wants most is that you either cut your losses or lie flat, and then slowly smooth out the edges and corners of the impatient people, wash off the car, and it will rise little by little! I have to say that this dealer really understands human nature!

There are still many coins that are in this trend now, and the trend is getting more and more convergent, as if they are waiting for the signal gun of the big cake ether, ready to go, ready to move, just waiting for the signal of the market. Once the horn of the charge sounds, it depends on who rushes faster. #美联储何时降息? #美国以太坊现货ETF开始交易 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #拜登退选 #比特币大会