Vitalik's outlook for 2034: Using Ethereum L2 will become as smooth as directly using the Ethereum mainnet.

On July 30th, at the Ethereum Developer Community Conference (EDCON) 2024, Vitalik Buterin delivered a keynote speech titled "The Next 10 Years of Ethereum," stating that "in the next 10 years, we can do more. Looking ahead to 2034, one use case of wallets could include voting, where we can try to make voting more transparent, and we can also try to combine voting with certain aspects of finance. By 2034, Ethereum's scalability will also be better, and transaction fees will be lower. In terms of user experience and security, the values of Web2 user experience and Web3 user sovereignty will be combined, making it more secure than traditional Web2 services.

Furthermore, using Ethereum L2 will become as smooth and unobstructed as using the Ethereum mainnet directly. Additionally, I believe builders should not just copy Web2, but should take a step forward and boldly explore. By 2034, there will not only be desktop and mobile devices, but also wearable devices, locally-running AI, AR, and possibly even BCI, as well as practical technologies that directly integrate Community Notes, prediction markets, and similar technologies into wallets or browsers, with the ability to verify everything in terms of security."