As OTIA continues to grow, we understand that our multi-chain strategy and hybrid web approach may raise some questions. Here, we answer some of the most frequently asked questions to provide a clear explanation of our decisions and operations.

1. Why would a project have two tokens on two different chains?

OTIA was initially launched on Hedera due to its fast transaction speeds and low fees. Since many of our projects involve transactions, reducing costs is critical. However, after a few months of observation, we found that despite Hedera's many advantages, its community participation is not as high as other top networks such as Solana (SOL).

To foster growth and tap into a larger user base, we decided to expand to SOL. Solana not only offers low transaction fees, but also has a large and active community.

Yes, Hedera and Solana are both legitimate networks. We ensure transparency by displaying information on the X page, website, Telegram, and Discord. Each network has its own unique features. For example, Hedera offers staking rewards and the ability for the company to reinvest revenue into the project.

Solana is a relatively new launch and we are still evaluating its functionality. We plan to introduce new features on SOL based on observation and risk assessment to ensure sustainability and encourage token holding.

3. Is this software a Web 2 or Web 3 application?

Our software takes a hybrid approach. While our website primarily operates as a Web 2 platform, it includes a Web 3 module that allows users to connect and perform various actions through their wallets. Currently, this module is being updated to support Hedera and Solana wallets.

For our applications, if cryptocurrency payments are required, we adopt Web 3 methods; otherwise, the software remains Web 2. We recognize that Web 2 is more familiar and user-friendly for most people, so we only adopt Web 3 features when necessary.

4. If it is Web 3 software, which chain does it run on?

As mentioned previously, our software will initially only support Hedera, but we are expanding to include Solana. This update will allow our software to function properly on both chains, ensuring wider accessibility and functionality.

5. Why are there so many wallets in the top 50 wallets? How is it possible?

It is common to see a large number of wallets in the top 50 wallets in many projects, especially during the pre-sale phase. It is important to note that the market is open to anyone and tokens can be bought and sold freely. Our team holds a large number of tokens and we will soon publish our list of wallets to ensure transparency. This will allow you to verify the percentage of tokens we control.

6. Why does one wallet show a large number of purchases and sales with no previous transactions?

This is typical for Moonshot projects. Wallets associated with presale buyers often exhibit this behavior. During the presale, transactions may not be visible, and due to the nature of Moonshot investing, wallets may show large buys and sells. This pattern is common among similar projects.

7. If tokens are not used for software development, what is their purpose?

Our token funds may be used to support the growth and expansion of the company. Decisions regarding the use of these funds will be made through a global vote by the community. We will provide detailed plans and proof of spending to ensure transparency and community approval.

For example, our global sales strategy for software involves offering resellers up to 50% commission, which means that tokens can help support a global network of sales managers. This approach aims to create a self-sustaining model where resellers are incentivized based on their sales performance.

By answering these frequently asked questions, we hope to give you a clearer understanding of OTIA's strategic choices and operations. For more details or if you have any questions, please contact us through our official channels.

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