1. When your savings reach 1 million, you will find a phenomenon that an ordinary family is getting richer and richer, and most of them follow these rules:

1. Save money regularly every month without fail.

2. Don’t buy luxury goods or electronic products that cost seven or eight thousand yuan.

3. Don’t order takeout, don’t eat out, and have side income.

4. Keep learning, improve your cognitive thinking, and enhance your skills.

5. Be patient in small matters and ruthless in big matters, and don’t trust others easily.

6. If you can buy a house in full, never take out a mortgage.
The reason why it is so expensive to buy a house with a loan is that half of the cost is the bank's mortgage interest. If you can afford to buy a house in full, it is recommended to buy it in full and it is best not to take out a mortgage.

7. From childhood to adulthood, children of poor families are constantly instilled with leek thinking. Children of rich families are instilled with sickle thinking. When people with two different thinking patterns meet in society, one cuts wildly while the other is cut.

8. Take advantage of human nature to make money.
Men are most afraid of being weak, so they hope to buy a strong body; women are most afraid of being ugly, so they hope to buy a pretty face and body; children are most afraid of being stupid, so they hope to buy knowledge; the elderly are most afraid of death, so they hope to buy health. The more they fear something, the more you sell it to them.

9. To do big things, you must put on a layer of morality. Think carefully about why some bosses like to do charity after their business becomes big, and call themselves Taoist businessmen. This is called waving a big banner.

10. 99% of people only look at the results. Others will only envy your wealth and don’t care how it came about.

11. We dislike your poverty and are afraid of your wealth. We hate what you have and laugh at what you don’t have. This is the unchanging law of human nature for five thousand years.

12. As long as the rich don't mess around, they will be rich all their lives. As long as the poor don't mess around, they will be poor all their lives. The poor take a bath, the rich brainwash.

13. Since ancient times, money has flowed to those who have enough money, and suffering has been left to those who endure suffering. As long as the poor are willing to endure suffering, there will be endless suffering. Always remember that wealth lies in mathematics, not in hard work, and strength lies in the situation, not in hard work.

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