A group member said that he received a fake U!

The scammer first transferred 2.944 real U, and you can see the balance increase and transfer record.

Then he transferred 5000 fake U.

From the chain, they are all TRC20 tokens, transferred from the same wallet, and can be queried on the chain.

But the wallet USDT balance did not increase.

On closer inspection, I found that the contract code of the fake U was inconsistent.

First real and then fake, confusing the audience, and you may be fooled if you are not careful.

The contract code of the token on the chain is unique.

The contract code of the same token on different chains is also different.

You must understand the corresponding contract code to prevent being deceived.

For example, the USDT contract code on the TRON chain is


Others are fake.

Be careful when transferring on the chain 😂

#usdt #token