Politicians often promise mountains of gold, but how realistic are their promises? Let's look at why Donald Trump's crypto promises can be fulfilled.

📜 Analysis of election promises

Politicians talk a lot, talk incessantly. They say what the voter wants to hear. So, let's look at what promises politicians make. I analyzed a cross-section of interviews and election promises of various leaders and selected the most common ones: improving the healthcare system, education reform, economic growth, fighting corruption. However, each of these promises requires changes to decades-old systems, making them difficult to achieve within a short presidential term.

🔗 Focus on cryptocurrency

Unlike traditional promises, Trump made a bet on cryptocurrency - promising its legalization and integration into the US economy. These measures are easier to implement: there is no powerful opposition, and they do not require radical changes to existing structures.

#sec #BTC #xrp

🏦 Political and personal gain

Adopting cryptocurrencies can be not only a popular move, but also profitable. In America, high-ranking officials and their relatives can legally buy shares in companies, for which they then create favorable conditions. Thus, cryptocurrency initiatives may also be beneficial for Trump personally.

🐗 My opinion:

All things considered, there is no reason to doubt that Trump will deliver on his crypto promises. It's easier than many other political challenges and promises to be both a popular and profitable move. Perhaps it is worth monitoring promises not through the prism of “everything is going wrong,” but through the prism of “who benefits from this?”