Trading philosophy: look at the trend in the big cycle and find the position in the small cycle;

Technical analysis: For Bitcoin, the weekly Bollinger Bands are running flat, the MACD moving average is running downward, the short volume is gradually shrinking, and the KDJ line is running upward. At the daily level, the Bollinger Bands are starting to close upward, the MACD moving average is running parallel, the long volume continues to shrink, and the KDJ line is running smoothly downward. At the 4-hour level, the Bollinger Bands are running flat, the MACD moving average and the KDJ line are starting to run downward, and the short volume is starting to increase. For Ethereum, the technical indicators at all levels are basically synchronized with Bitcoin;

In summary, the overall bullish trend of the current market has come to an end, and it is expected that the market will pull back in the future, and short at a stable high position!


Bitcoin short at 67500-68000, target 66500-65500, defense 68500;

Ethereum short at 3330-3360, target 3250-3200, defense 3390;

Strategy is time-sensitive, please refer to private real-time guidance!

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