Today I saw many people in the square scolding those who do rebates.

It just so happens that I also do rebates. I don’t think there is anything to scold.

How do those who don’t get rebates save the handling fees?

The handling fees you don’t save are also given to the exchange in vain. You have nothing.

Attached is the handling fee record that my friends recently asked me to return. If they didn’t open it,

the money was all given to the exchange. After the return, you can make up a little bit and make up some pork trotter rice. I think this is a legitimate thing. What is there to criticize?

The most disgusting thing is that people who don’t return or return less manually under the gimmick of returning 20, 30, 40 handling fees. The proportion of manual return of 25 is within the regulations. The total proportion is 30. I return 25 to my friends! They pay 100 oil handling fees and can get 25 oil back! ! ! Remember it.

After filling in the invitation code for 30 days, the automatic return will be invalid! ! ! If your KOL does not manually pay you, please go to him to return it immediately! !

Otherwise, they are fooling you. Remember, it is 30 days later.

The manual 25, he will give you 25% of the ratio! ! ! ! ! !

This is the real person who gives you commissions.

Some people put a link saying 30, 20, 40.

When it is manual, they will give you 10, 20, or even no manual.

This is the one who cuts your leeks. The registration threshold has been raised.

The old way of canceling registration will not work. Don't listen to people's nonsense. You can't register Binance after canceling. You have to wait at least 30 days. I think so if you have already registered, don't cancel it casually. It is not allowed to be non-compliant.

Reposted from the security captain