In the past one or two Bitcoins, there has been a sharp rise and fall, and many investments have been wiped out by this sudden market situation. Last night, a friend told me about her investment experience in just one month. He had withdrawn some of his foreign funds and originally planned to invest in the stock market, but the stock market has been sluggish recently. After hearing some investors say that the currency market is good now, and after understanding some basic investment transactions, he found a platform to analyze the market and operate it by himself. After a week of doing it, I discovered that currency investment and stocks are completely different things, so I started to find a teacher in the market to guide me. She had just entered the market and still had a lot of trust in her teacher. She listened to the teacher's orders during her operations, took heavy positions, and carried orders without stop loss. As a result, her orders were deeply trapped, and she lost nearly 3 million in less than a month.

When you really touch this market, you will find that losses are always easier than profits. What does it mean to seek medical treatment when you are sick? A common cold might have healed quickly by drinking more water and exercising more, but instead it ended up going to a lot of places, spending a lot of money, and seeing a lot of teachers, only to get a completely different result. In the same way, when you suffer a loss, because you are eager to turn a loss into a profit, you will seek medical treatment everywhere, and the results will become worse and worse.

I heard from some investment friends that they would follow two, three or even more teachers at the same time. In the end, only one result would lead to failure! It is undeniable that there are many teachers with rich experience, solid technical skills, and strong sense of responsibility. They can indeed bring practical help to novice friends. At the same time, there are also some teachers who violate ethics, deceive investors, and bring negative effects to the investment environment and industry atmosphere. Some people have a negative impact, so you need to pay attention to two basic points when looking for a teacher. First, understand each teacher’s investment style and whether it is suitable for you; secondly, avoid choosing multiple teachers at the same time. Everyone’s style and status are different. The abilities are also different, which will only make you at a loss.

​-Why do you keep getting liquidated?

Not long ago, a female friend contacted one of my students. Before investing, he could not be said to be very rich, but could be said to be well-off. Her husband was in a small business. Someone told her that she could make a lot of money by doing virtual currency. They recommended her company’s top traders and told her how accurate the rate could be. After many inducements, she initially invested 100,000 U and earned 5,000 U. (Threatening to stop trading if she did not increase the capital account), she could not resist the temptation and added another 150,000 U, and then began to operate heavy positions. Eventually, she lost more and more, and her husband wanted to divorce when he found out. When I was contacted, I cried while talking about my experience on the phone. He said something very heartbreaking to me, "I have spent all the jewelry I bought when I got married and the money I have saved for myself over the past few years. This 50,000 U is a last ditch effort. If I lose, I have no way out, I really have nothing, and my child will be without a father."

What do you think when you see this? What will happen if her 50,000 U encounters those black platforms that suffer losses again? What will happen if he meets an irresponsible teacher? What will happen to his future life? ? ? ? ? ? ? Whether it is following orders or EA automatic trading, it is very convenient on the surface, but do you know how risky it is? Can you really make money just by electronically programmed programs? The market is moving, not a fixed pattern. There are too many market trends that this system cannot handle. You may not be able to see the market fluctuations at first, but in the long run, the result will only be losses.

To be honest, what I hate the most is doing it with a full position. Of course, I hate it even more when the teacher lets a novice operate with a full position. Many novices don’t know the risks of this investment. If you operate with a full position, it is very likely that you will lose money overnight. In other words, you will make money. , this kind of order-making model is destined to make you lose all your money in the end!

Think clearly about why you want to invest?

The first thing I always tell my students is: The teacher is just a reference for you. Don't rely too much on me. You make investments. You should understand some simple technical analysis. Making money is never that simple. There is no such thing as such a good thing. You invest money and rely on others to help you make money. too naive! ! !

When placing orders with a reliable teacher, you need to use him to understand the market. When you can independently understand and analyze the market. Is it still difficult to make money?

Don’t make fun of your hard-earned money. This teacher is very good, but it’s not suitable for you. Why should you insist on it? When you keep looking for solutions, it is already destined that your teacher is not a qualified teacher, and if you persist, you will only be close to being liquidated.

What I want to say now is. Allow yourself to calm down. Even if it is a loss. Do not worry. Because you still want to make money back.

Urgent, there is only one result. The more you lose, the more you lose.

-The last words from my heart

I only write this article. I also hope to meet someone who is destined. I have been investing for 9 years. They also believe in Buddhism and fate. There are many investors who are short of money in their lives. In fact, what they are short of is a noble person. I hope I can be your noble person. I am soft-hearted. I feel bad when I see some investors losing money and crying and crying. But I can’t snatch them away directly. I have no way to make others believe me directly. . I have no ability with my stupid mouth. So it is right to believe in fate. This is just like a blind date. No matter how it feels at first. Everyone should give each other a chance to understand.

I believe. You can read so many words. It's fate. Investment mostly depends on fate. If you believe in fate and believe that I can do something for you with my heart, you can try to communicate with me. I hope friends who are teachers can also save my contact information. No one can accompany you. In the end, maybe one day you will need me?

I promote myself because my work requires it. After all, I also rely on students for my livelihood, but I promote myself because I have the confidence and responsibility to help students. That's right. All investors need a good teacher and a professional team to guide them. I never brag about myself. Really. Strength needs to be experienced.

I would also like to say that you are lucky. Because you met me. I also want to say that you are unlucky. Because you missed me

I don’t know if I am suitable for you. I can only say that if there is a destiny, everything will fall into place. I don’t like to force others, nor do I like to force myself.

Meeting is fate, missing is destiny.

Thank you friends for reading

The author, Zhou Gongzi, a sniper in the currency circle, is a financial investment analyst. He has been engaged in the financial industry for many years and studies international situations and hot events. The financial field is vast and profound, and the market is constantly changing every day. All I can do is use my many years of research experience to help you.

I am Mr. Zhou, a warm-hearted analyst teacher. $BTC $ETH #BTC #ETH