BNB spot and contract both make money, isn't it wonderful? 583 called on the brothers to make arrangements, let them buy spot and then directly open the coin-based contract, the current price is 594. The target is 604. Breaking through 604 is the beginning of this band. In the past two days, everyone has seen that the altcoins are generally rising, and there are coins that rise by 20 to 30 points every day. What does it mean? Is the altcoin season coming? The core reason is that Bitcoin has completed its weekly correction, and it will at least hit 72,000, so the altcoins will follow suit. Next, the altcoins will usher in a wave of market conditions, and the correction is an opportunity to get on board. Today, I will also publicly analyze several currencies that I personally like:

BCH has completed its weekly correction. The weekly line has just started, and you can pay attention to the retracement to the 431.417 range.

CFX has reversed on the daily line and will hit the weekly support. Pay attention to the retracement to the range.

Pyth has currently started a weekly market, and you can pay attention to the retracement to the 0.366-0.35 range and wait for the second wave of market conditions.

BOME has already caught the first wave of market conditions , Currently, the daily line has just started. If you haven't entered the market, pay attention to the retracement around 0.0095-0.009. If you have a bottom position, add positions near this position.

Sats has started the first wave of the weekly market. You can pay attention to the retracement of the range of 253-235 and wait for the second wave of rising market.

These are the ones I have seen with better shapes. Brothers who like them can collect them. If you are afraid of not finding them, you can click to follow.

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