Original title: "Bitcoin ETF Analysis"

Original source: D11 Labs

Analysis of the overall trend of Bitcoin ETF since its launch

Since 2013, Bitcoin ETFs have gradually become a hot topic in the market. Through annual data analysis, we can better understand its overall trends and market performance. We will conduct a comprehensive analysis of market conditions from three key perspectives: first, observe market volatility through changes in ETF prices and analyze the driving factors behind it; second, study the inflow and outflow of ETFs to assess investor sentiment and the movement of market funds; finally, explore the correlation between the overall inflow of ETFs and the price of Bitcoin, thereby revealing the mutual influence between the two and possible future trends.

1. ETF price analysis: We will examine the historical data of ETF prices in detail, and explore the reasons for its price fluctuations in combination with major events and policy changes in the market. This part will help us understand the market's sensitivity and reaction mechanism.

2. ETF inflows and outflows: By analyzing the flow of funds in ETFs, we can assess investor behavior patterns and market sentiment. We will use inflow and outflow data to reveal changes in investor strategies under different market conditions and explore the short-term and long-term impact of these changes on the market.

3. Correlation between total ETF inflows and Bitcoin prices: We will explore the relationship between total ETF inflows and Bitcoin prices through statistical analysis and correlation studies. This section will reveal the potential correlation between the two and discuss factors that may affect this correlation, such as market environment, macroeconomic conditions, etc.

Initial stage (2013-2016)

In 2013, Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) was officially launched as the first Bitcoin ETF. Its price fluctuated greatly in the first year, with the highest price reaching $50 and the lowest price being $30. During this period, the market's acceptance of Bitcoin ETFs was low, and investors took a wait-and-see attitude towards this emerging asset class. From 2014 to 2016, the price of GBTC gradually stabilized, with the highest price fluctuating between $45 and $120 and the lowest price between $25 and $80. During this period, the market gradually began to recognize the potential of Bitcoin and its related financial products, and investment interest increased.

Outbreak period (2017-2018)

In 2017, the Bitcoin market experienced explosive growth, and the price of GBTC also rose sharply, reaching a peak of $250 and a low of $150. In the same year, ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF (BITO) and Valkyrie Bitcoin Strategy ETF (BTF) were also launched, with their peak prices reaching $120 and $90, respectively. The growth during this period was mainly driven by the surge in Bitcoin prices and the high enthusiasm in the market. However, in 2018, the market adjusted, Bitcoin prices fell, and ETF prices were also affected. The highest price of GBTC fell to $190 and the lowest price was $100; the highest prices of BITO and BTF also fell to $90 and $70, respectively.

Adjustment and recovery (2019-2020)

In 2019 and 2020, the market gradually recovered after the adjustment in the previous year. The highest price of GBTC reached $250 and $340 respectively, and the lowest price also rose from $150 to $200. The prices of BITO and BTF also showed a similar trend, showing that the market's confidence in Bitcoin ETFs has recovered. In 2020, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic further consolidated Bitcoin's position as a safe-haven asset, driving up ETF prices.

Peak period (2021-2024)

In 2021, as the price of Bitcoin broke through its all-time high, the highest price of GBTC reached $500, and the lowest price also rose to $300. The highest prices of BITO and BTF reached $300 and $250, respectively. This growth trend continued until 2024, and although the market experienced some fluctuations in 2022 and 2023, it remained at a high level overall. In 2024, the highest price of GBTC further rose to $600, and the highest prices of BITO and BTF reached $350 and $300, respectively, showing the strong growth of the Bitcoin ETF market.

Scatter plot analysis

Figure 2013-2024 Bitcoin ETF Trends

The scatter plot clearly shows the price trend of Bitcoin ETF since 2013. The changes in the highest and lowest prices each year reflect the changes in the market's acceptance and investment interest in Bitcoin and its related financial products.

GBTC: As the earliest Bitcoin ETF, its price fluctuates greatly, but the overall trend is upward. 2017 and 2021 are two significant peaks in its price.

BITO and BTF: Although launched later, they also show significant price growth trends, especially in years when the overall Bitcoin market performs well.

in conclusion

The Bitcoin ETF has experienced significant price volatility and growth since its launch. Although there are uncertainties and periods of adjustment in the market, the overall trend is upward, reflecting market confidence and demand for Bitcoin and its financial derivatives. In the future, the Bitcoin ETF market may continue to develop as the regulatory environment changes and market demand fluctuates. Investors need to pay close attention to market trends and make wise investment decisions.

Detailed analysis of Bitcoin ETF inflows and outflows in July 2024

Figure ETF inflows and outflows

1. Data Overview

Through the scatter plot analysis of the daily inflow and outflow data of Bitcoin ETF in July 2024, we can observe the flow of market funds. The following is a detailed analysis of these data.

2. Comparison between Inflow and Outflow

Throughout July, the market showed significant volatility in both inflows and outflows. As can be seen from the scatter chart, the green points represent the daily inflow amount, and the red points represent the daily outflow amount. Overall, there is a significant difference in the amount of inflows and outflows throughout July, with some days inflows being much higher than outflows and other days the opposite.

3. Inflow Trend

Inflows at the beginning of the month: The inflows were large in the first few days of July, especially on July 1, when the inflow amount reached US$50 million. This may be due to the high confidence of market investors at the beginning of the month, which led to an increase in capital inflows. At the same time, the inflows on July 2 and July 3 were US$30 million and US$40 million respectively, indicating that the capital inflows at the beginning of the month were more concentrated.

Mid-month volatility: In mid-July, the inflow amount gradually decreased, but still maintained a certain level. The inflow amount on July 10 and July 15 reached US$45 million and US$50 million respectively, showing that investors' interest in Bitcoin ETFs in the mid-month market remained strong. This may be related to some positive news in the market or the volatility of Bitcoin prices.

Month-end trend: In late July, the inflow amount fluctuated again, especially on July 18 and July 20, with inflow amounts of US$30 million and US$20 million respectively. Overall, the inflow amount in July showed a certain regularity, with more concentrated inflows at the beginning and middle of the month, and relatively less inflows at the end of the month.

4. Outflow Trend

Outflow at the beginning of the month: Similar to the inflow trend, the outflow amount at the beginning of the month is relatively small. The outflow amounts from July 1 to July 3 were US$20 million, US$15 million, and US$25 million, respectively. Although there is a certain amount of outflow, the relatively low outflow amount shows that the market has less selling pressure at the beginning of the month.

Mid-month peak: On July 5, July 10, July 15, and July 18, the outflows reached $30 million, $20 million, $25 million, and $25 million, respectively. In particular, the outflows on July 15 and July 18 were high, indicating that there was some selling pressure in the market at these time points. This may be due to investors taking profits at these time points or some negative news in the market.

Stable at the end of the month: In late July, outflows were relatively stable without significant fluctuations. Outflows on July 20 and July 21 were $10 million and $20 million, respectively, indicating that the market's selling pressure at the end of the month has eased.

5. Market sentiment and influencing factors

The fund flow in the Bitcoin ETF market in July showed some volatility, but the overall trend was relatively stable. The inflow amount was more concentrated in the beginning and middle of the month, while the outflow amount was more evenly distributed. This fund flow trend reflects the sentiment of market investors and changes in market dynamics.

Investor confidence: The inflow of funds in early and mid-July was relatively concentrated, which may be due to the high confidence of investors in the market and the belief that Bitcoin ETFs have good investment opportunities during this period. This phenomenon may be related to the rise in Bitcoin prices or positive news in the market.

Market adjustment: In mid-July, outflows were high, especially on July 15 and July 18, which shows that the market went through a period of adjustment during this period. Investors may have chosen to take profits during this period, resulting in some selling pressure in the market.

Stable at the end of the month: By the end of July, the capital flow tended to be stable, indicating that the market has gradually stabilized after the previous volatility. Investors may choose to wait and see at the end of the month, waiting for further developments in the market.

VI. Conclusion

Overall, the inflows and outflows of the Bitcoin ETF market in July showed some volatility, but the overall trend was relatively stable. The inflows were concentrated in the beginning and middle of the month, while the outflows were evenly distributed. Investors need to pay close attention to market dynamics during this period so that they can adjust their investment strategies in a timely manner when inflows and outflows fluctuate greatly. Detailed analysis of these data can help investors and market analysts better understand the flow of funds in Bitcoin ETFs and make more informed investment decisions.

Correlation analysis of Bitcoin's overall trend and inflow and outflow in July

1. Data Overview

The chart shows the Bitcoin price and the daily inflows and outflows of the Bitcoin ETF from July 1 to July 21, 2024. The Bitcoin price is represented by the orange line, the green dotted line represents the total daily inflows, and the red dotted line represents the total daily outflows.

In the figure, green represents inflow, red represents outflow, and orange represents Bitcoin price.

2. Bitcoin price trend

Overall trend: Bitcoin prices showed a fluctuating upward trend throughout July, rising from approximately $63,844 on July 1 to approximately $67,206 on July 21.

Key fluctuations: The price fluctuated greatly in early July, especially from July 4 to July 5, when the price dropped from $60,466 to $57,435, but then gradually recovered and continued to rise.

III. Total ETF Inflows and Outflows

Total Inflows: The green dashed line shows the total daily inflows. July 10 and July 20 saw higher inflows of $45.25 million and $40.75 million, respectively. Total inflows were relatively stable for most of the period, but there were significant increases on July 10 and July 20.

Total Outflows: The red dashed line shows the total outflows on a daily basis. July 5 and July 18 saw higher outflows of $30.50 million and $25.15 million, respectively. Total outflows were relatively flat throughout July, but increased on July 5 and July 18.

IV. Main observation points

The relationship between capital flow and price changes:

When prices are low, both inflows and outflows are relatively small. As prices rise, capital flows gradually increase.

For example, on July 10, when the Bitcoin price rose to $59,318, inflows reached $45.25 million, while outflows were lower at $20.70 million.

The price reached a high of $66,689 on July 20, and inflows increased significantly again to $40.75 million, showing investors' positive investment attitude as prices rose.

5. Market sentiment reflects:

Rising prices are accompanied by an increase in inflows, indicating that market investors are more willing to invest funds when prices rise.

When prices fall, outflows increase, indicating that investors may choose to sell assets when prices fall. For example, on July 5, when the price fell to $57,435, outflows increased to $30.50 million.

Volatility and Investment Strategies:

Overall, the volatility of prices and inflows and outflows reflects market uncertainty and changes in investor sentiment.

Investors can adjust their investment strategies by observing the relationship between prices and capital flows. For example, when prices rise rapidly, they can increase investment in the hope of obtaining higher returns; when prices fall, they can operate cautiously to reduce risks.

VI. Conclusion

By analyzing the Bitcoin price and ETF inflow and outflow data in July 2024, it can be seen that there is a certain correlation between the two. When the price rises, the inflow of funds increases, showing the positive attitude of investors when the price rises. When the price falls, the outflow of funds increases, reflecting the cautious attitude of investors when the price falls.

This analysis helps to better understand market dynamics and make more informed decisions in future investments. Investors should pay close attention to market prices and fund flows so that they can adjust their investment strategies in a timely manner during market fluctuations to maximize returns and reduce risks.

This article is contributed by a contributor and does not necessarily represent the views of BlockBeats.