$BONK is currently trading at 0.00002897. For support, keep an eye on $0.00002737, $0.00002751, and $0.00002753.

These levels could be where the price finds stability and starts to rise. On the resistance side, keep an eye on $0.00003048, $0.00002940 and $0.00002896 as these could be difficult points for the price to break through. The RSI is at 57.90, indicating a neutral market – neither too hot nor too cold.

With the current setup, the price could move sideways or move higher but could face some resistance around $0.00003048.

For your trading strategy: Consider buying at the current price of $0.00002897, setting a stop loss just below $0.00002737 to manage risk, and aiming to make a profit around $0.00003048.

This approach helps to effectively balance potential gains and risks.