Original|Odaily Planet Daily (@OdailyChina)

Author: Wenser (@wenser2010)

On May 24 this year, DOGE prototype Shiba Inu Kabosu passed away. While the crypto industry mourned and regretted, it also paid much attention to its owner Kabosu Mama (translated as Kabosu's mother). At 5 am yesterday, Kabosu Mama posted on the X platform that she had adopted a new Shiba Inu member named 'ねいろ' (literally translated as "Neiro" in English). At one time, multiple meme projects with the same name appeared in crypto. Odaily Planet Daily will briefly comment on this in this article.

NEIRO or Neiro, that is the question?

It is worth noting that the name Neiro was not proposed by Kabosu Mama (Kabosu’s mother), but by Own the Doge, a DAO organization that currently holds the copyright of the images related to the Dogecoin prototype Kabosu. In its comment section, it said: “Much wow, welcome to the family Neiro”. Several representative projects have also emerged around this ID, including the following 3:

Neiro: A lowercase name, is it a meme orthodox?

The first Neiro token contract of the Solana ecosystem was deployed just after 5 a.m., making it the fastest-reacting "Meme Coin Project." As of writing, the token price is around $0.049, with a market cap of $49.7 million, and the high price once exceeded $0.12.

Contract address: CTJf74cTo3cw8acFP1YXF3QpsQUUBGBjh2k2e8xsZ6UL

Neiro K-line information

The second largest market value Neiro token contract of the Solana ecosystem was deployed around 7pm last night. As of writing, the token price is around $0.012, with a market value of $12.6 million, and the high price was close to $0.018.

Contract address: D6THbUGFdxJ5LzNVHTGjjetpU5JCxy3x2f7dmw2s6vJR

Neiro-2 K-line information

The Ethereum ecosystem’s Neiro token contract was deployed around 5:15 a.m. yesterday. As of writing, the token price is around $0.000003691, with a market value of $1.5 million. The high price once exceeded $0.00002, but the current 24-hour decline has exceeded 65%, and there are signs of zeroing out.

Contract address: 0x812Ba41e071C7b7fA4EBcFB62dF5F45f6fA853Ee

Neiro-E K-line information

NEIRO: NEIRO with capital letter, a more hopeful meme?

The first NEIRO token contract for the Solana ecosystem was deployed at around 5:15 a.m. At the time of writing, the token price was around $0.023, with a market cap of $22.7 million, and the high price was close to $0.06.

Contract address: CTg3ZgYx79zrE1MteDVkmkcGniiFrK1hJ6yiabropump

NEIRO K-line information

The NEIRO token contract of the Ethereum ecosystem was deployed at around 6:30 a.m. yesterday. As of writing, the token price is around $0.013, with a market value of $13.1 million. The high price once exceeded $0.018, reaching around $0.0188.

Contract address: 0xEE2a03Aa6Dacf51C18679C516ad5283d8E7C2637

NEIRO-E K-line information

Japanese ねいろ: The most authentic Meme?

The Solana Ecosystem Meme Coin ねいろ (literally translated as sound in Japanese) released on the pump.fun platform is also seen as a symbol of the new Shiba Inu. As of writing, the token price is around $0.00023, with a market value of $233,000. The high price once rose to $0.0018, but has now fallen sharply, but many people have taken ambush operations because it is "more authentic".

Contract address: BsjcdsZGq2myoCQEv1v7MMvjfUxkpNoqH6WaXWUzpump

Neo K Line Information

In addition, there are many Meme coin projects with the same name such as Neiro, NEIRO, and ねいろ. There are also projects that use the slogan "The New Doge", such as CTg3ZgYx79zrE1MteDVkmkcGniiFrK1hJ6yiabropump, with a market value of around 21.3 million US dollars, which is worth paying attention to. For more projects, readers can log in to the Dexscreener official website to search and view (Odaily Planet Daily Note: Meme coins fluctuate greatly, and there are Pixiu disks. Please be careful and beware of being deceived).

The story behind Neiro

In a tweet posted by Kabosu Mama (Kabosu’s mom), she gave a simple “welcome introduction” to the new Shiba Inu Neiro – “We welcomed a new family member, her name is Tone, which means the color of music. She is a 10-year-old former adopted dog girl. Tone has experienced pain, fear, and sadness in the past 10 years. But from now on, there will be only happy and pleasant things. Every happy day begins!”

Kabosu Mama Posting Photo

Like Kabosu, the prototype of Dogecoin Shiba Inu, Neiro also experienced many setbacks and hardships before he had a home again. Not only that, at around 8 am yesterday (3 hours after the announcement of the adoption of Neiro), Kabosu Mama (Kabosu's mother) posted another reminder: "I have seen many tokens related to Kabosu and Neiro. To clarify this, I do not recognize any crypto project other than @ownthedoge dog, because they own the original Doge photos and intellectual property rights (which I have handed over to them), and are committed to doing only good deeds, charity, and spreading Doge culture every day."

As for the ins and outs of this matter, it happened in April this year. The decentralized autonomous organization Own the Doge purchased the copyright of the image related to the Dogecoin prototype Kabosu. It is understood that the specific amount of the transaction was not disclosed, but it took three years. John Monarch, the project leader of Own The Doge, said that as the copyright of Dogecoin images becomes clearer, the opportunities for cooperation with big brands are increasing. This has also become a great example of "Meme power breaking the circle of communication" to a certain extent.

Clarification tweet with picture

Summary: Meme is not dead, hype will not stop

In just a day or so, the emergence of Neiro has once again brought new vitality to the Meme coin market, and also brought a new "get rich quick story" -

  • A certain address bought Neiro early and made a profit, earning $1.93 million with only $80,000, with a return rate of up to 2397%. According to analysis, its overall position building can be divided into two rounds: 1) One minute after Neiro went online, it spent 15.089 SOL to buy 70.8 million tokens, with an average price of only $0.00003914, and then sold the first position in batches within six hours; 2) When the market value soared to $79 million, it entered the palace again, and spent 420.75 SOL to buy 983,500 tokens, with an average price of up to $0.07916 at this time, and then sold all of them in one hour. According to the monitoring of Ai Yi, an analyst on the chain, the address had previously participated in many Meme transactions (including the previous hot spot laser eye) within a month with the idea of ​​"buying lottery tickets", with a winning rate of only 31.25%, so it is highly likely not a rat warehouse.

  • The deployer of Neiro made 15,508 SOL ($2.85 million) with only 3 SOL ($552), a 5,169x profit. When deploying Neiro, he spent 3 SOL ($552) to buy 97.5 million Neiro. He then sold 68 million Neiros for 15,511 SOL ($2.85 million) through multiple wallets, realizing a profit of 15,508 SOL ($2.85 million). He also sent 10 million Neiros to a wallet, and currently has 19.5 million Neiros ($1.8 million) left, with an unrealized profit of $1.8 million.

  • According to Bubblemaps analysis, the developer of Solana meme coin Neiro has made $3.3 million in profit so far, purchasing tokens from multiple addresses and currently owning 6% of Neiro’s supply. Although this news was subsequently denied by the project, claiming that the disclosed information was false, the developer only held 1.6% of the supply and did not plan to sell it in the near future, it seemed unconvincing. The project’s official follow-up was also suspected to have been banned by X platform due to violations.

As we mentioned in the article "Meme Coin: A Complete Alternative to NFT", the Meme Coin project cares more about "whether more people pay attention" rather than "whether this thing is good or bad". Therefore, whether it is the news of Kabosu's death or the news of Neiro's new Shiba Inu being adopted, they have gained a lot of attention resources in a short period of time, thereby driving a double increase in market popularity and liquidity.

The new Shiba Inu Neiro, who is cute, public-spirited and popular, may become another emerging meme in the Internet world, just like Kabosu in the past, and become the Internet memory of a generation. The power of meme can transcend time and space, and the hype about meme will not stop, it's just more or less.