God-like! Doge 2.0 token Neiro increased 1,000 times overnight!
The owner of the prototype dog of Doge Coin posted a surprising news on social media. A few months ago, the prototype dog of Dogecoin unfortunately passed away, which made many fans feel sorry. However, instead of indulging in grief, its owner welcomed the joy of new life. He adopted a new dog and named it NEIRO.
The name NEIRO, like a key, instantly unlocked the infinite imagination of the crypto community. With the blessing of the concept of "Doge 2.0", NEIRO quickly became the focus of community discussion, and its influence spread rapidly like a spark.
Immediately afterwards, a meme token called $neiro on the Solana public chain was launched on the Dex Raydium platform at 5:12 am. Just 6 hours later, its market value soared to a peak of 100 million US dollars, creating an astonishing 1,000-fold increase. As of press time, the transaction volume of the token has exceeded 530 million US dollars, and the market value has stabilized at around 50 million US dollars. #Neiro #加密 #wad3