The scorching sun is about to turn red and steam Qinghai, and the morning dawn is too white in the east. The new week has begun. Looking back on last week's receipts, the goods received were pretty good. Although there was no winning streak to the end, the overall winning rate of the stone board layout has reached more than 85%! I won’t elaborate too much on the specifics. All ideas are publicly released on the entire network. Friends who are interested in Aunt Shang’s ideas believe that they will also gain something good!

At present, the currency price is still fluctuating and consolidating near the 68,000 area. At this stage, the support in the mid-track area of ​​​​the small cycle has effectively prevented the price from falling. Due to the strong alternating emotions, a repeated pulling and oscillating rhythm has finally formed. In the current operating rhythm, , the price comparison is still running in the range, and lacks the momentum to break the range.

In terms of the four-hour structure, although the price continues to drop, the support of the middle track is still strong and reliable, and will not form an effective breakout due to a slight drop. Even if the market drops again, it will only be a bottom. The rhythm of demand support remains unchanged, so the long view remains unchanged.

In the one-hour pattern, the rhythm of range oscillation has not changed. The current price ratio has been running near the low level of the range, so we can continue to make a multi-dan layout around this pattern.

Monday morning thoughts: Do the 67800-67500 area, target 68800-69200$BTC $ETH $SOL #比特币大会 #美国PCE通胀放缓 #美联储何时降息? #美国以太坊现货ETF开始交易 #美国大选如何影响加密产业?