Yesterday was a historic day for Bitcoin. Robert Kennedy Jr., the Republican candidate, spoke, and after him, former President and other Republican candidate, Donald Trump, spoke about their views and strong support for Bitcoin.

The most notable thing Trump said:

“He will fire current SEC Chairman Gensler on his first day as president.”

“I aim to make America the capital of Bitcoin in mining, transactions, and everything else.”

“It is possible that one day Bitcoin will surpass the market value of gold.”

“Bitcoin does not threaten the dollar, the current US government threatens the dollar.”

“There will be no central bank digital currencies (CBDC) at all during my presidency.”

“I will prevent the US government from selling and holding 100% of seized Bitcoin.”

“A strategic Bitcoin stockpile will be created for the US government if elected.”

“I reaffirm my pledge to commute the sentence imposed on Ross Ulbricht (Founder of SilkRoad).”

“The value of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies will skyrocket like never before if I am elected.”

“I pledge to the Bitcoin community that the day I take the oath of office, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ anti-crypto crusade will end.”

“Bitcoin represents freedom, sovereignty, and independence from government coercion and control.”

My comment:

Trump's words are very strong and increase the confidence of companies, institutions, and family offices in long-term investment in Bitcoin.

If the Chairman of the Securities Commission is dismissed, there is a very high probability that we will see a strong market launch because Gensler is one of the reasons for hindering the growth of digital currencies in America.

As for the market value of gold, it is currently $16.02 trillion. If the market value of Bitcoin becomes the same as the market value of gold, we will see that the price of 1 Bitcoin becomes $811,864.

His statement about commuting the sentence of Ross Ulbricht (founder of SilkRoad) is political to gain sympathy from the Bitcoin community.

His statement that he aspires to make America “the capital of Bitcoin in mining, transactions, and everything else” is a blind imitation of the words of Naguib Baghla, the head of state of El Salvador. When Trump saw how the Bitcoin community supported Naguib, he wanted to gain the same support, and if he actually worked on this goal, we would see very many positive changes in the market. .

If a strategic reserve of Bitcoin is created, then you may see many countries following the same strategy, and here we may actually see numbers of millions of Bitcoin.

The last thing I would like to say is that I personally am very optimistic and at the same time I am not carried away by my enthusiasm and the words of Trump and Kennedy because they are, first and foremost, ready to say anything that will bring them closer to the presidency. The lesson is in the end, but the words now are just ink on paper.