Looking at Trump's speech at the Bitcoin Conference from a high-level perspective, Lao Yu will help you improve your cognition. Crypto industry and Trump, and American politics.

Before the Bitcoin Conference, Trump often mentioned Bitcoin and the crypto industry sporadically on some occasions. The Bitcoin Conference was completely different. Trump gave a relatively complete account of his views on the crypto industry.

A formal presidential candidate announced his crypto stance in a public and formal occasion a few months before the election. This is not just a speech, but a political commitment. This is to bind the crypto industry to himself and to American politics.

When you understand this, you can understand why the content is not as "stimulating" as some people say, and why you can't shout prices like others. As an official presidential candidate of the Republican Party of the United States, he is currently in the tense stage of the election, so of course he can't talk nonsense. He is not Kennedy Jr., and it doesn't matter what Kennedy Jr. says (he won't be elected anyway).

Behind encryption is financial reform, and financial reform is Trump's election symbol. Supporting encryption is a way to deepen the label of "financial reform", so it's not just for votes. Of course, votes and crypto donations are also indispensable.

Chinese people often have the impression that Trump is unreliable and doubt whether he keeps his word. We carefully studied Trump's last term and found that he basically fulfilled his promises during the election, including immigration policy, trade policy, tax cuts, and half of the health care reform. He is a trustworthy businessman, far better than other political prostitutes in the United States.

Trump speaks, and the market pays. If he can win the election, the entire crypto industry will usher in a new stage!

Back to the market, many people think that the end of the speech is a good thing, but this understanding is wrong. In fact, it is just the opposite. After the speech at the Bitcoin Conference, crypto and Trump are more closely tied. In the next six months, expectations continue to ferment, providing an environment for the second half of the bull market.
