The investment journey of newcomers in the cryptocurrency circle

Many newcomers enter the cryptocurrency circle for the first time, and when they hear the news that Bitcoin is rising, they invest in the market with hope. Usually, people who are new to digital currency will start with spot trading. Due to market fluctuations, they can often make some money by luck. At this time, they will mistakenly think that they have mastered the secret of investment.

However, the returns from spot trading are not high, and soon someone told them that contract trading can be leveraged to earn higher returns. So they turned to contract trading. There may be some small returns in the early stage, but as time goes by, the high risks brought by market fluctuations gradually emerge, and liquidation occurs frequently.

Some people will choose to continue to operate blindly and continue to liquidate; while smarter people will realize the problem and choose to study, read relevant books or participate in training. However, even after a period of study, they still cannot escape the fate of liquidation when they return to the market again.

So, this part of people began to look for more experienced teachers to lead, but often encountered some so-called "teachers" who just wanted to fool their money. And those who continue to read books and study, even if they have mastered more theoretical knowledge, still face the risk of liquidation in actual operations.

Reflection and suggestions

Invest rationally: understand the volatility and risks of the market, and don't be dazzled by short-term gains. Continuous learning: not only learn theory, but also combine practical operation experience, constantly reflect and adjust strategies. Control risks: use leverage reasonably, avoid high-risk operations, set stop-loss points, and protect your principal. Choose reliable guidance: find a mentor who is truly experienced and capable, and avoid being fooled by bad elements. Stay patient and calm: Investing is a long-term process that requires patience and a calm mind, and avoid emotional operations.

I hope these suggestions can help novices better understand and cope with the investment challenges of the currency circle, and gradually improve their investment level.

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