Excerpts from Trump's speech at the Bitcoin Conference

The people who came to the scene have high IQs. I am willing to make China successful, but we have to be more successful than it, so we develop digital currency, AI, Bitcoin Made in the USA, otherwise we will be surpassed by China. I like Musk very much, but it can't be all electric cars. He has received 25 million US dollars in digital currency donations. The SEC used to mess with you every day, but now I'm going to be on the stage. They are all nice to you, so you have to support me as president! Now this government has restricted everyone. We recently had an opponent withdraw, and then talked about Biden, Harris, and various jokes. 1. Trump said that on his first day as president, he would fire SEC Chairman Gary. 2. If he is elected, he will set up a special committee to make virtual currency practitioners stay in the United States and not go anywhere else. He will make tax laws better. You don't need to start a business in China. 3. Oppose CBDA, support the development of stablecoins, and ensure the status of the US dollar. 4. When he was in power, Bitcoin rose by more than 3,900%. Under Biden, it only rose by 155%. If I can't take office, the stock market will plummet. 6. He will bring down inflation. Bitcoin is a good tool to fight inflation. 7. He will stop all wars and will not start new wars. 8. Never sell bitcoin. He will not let the US government sell any bitcoin it holds. #特朗普 #比特币大会 #手续费返佣