Record the current logic.

I am now using a small country, whose RMB is 100 to 1. I decisively exchanged USD for 1,000 USD. "1,000 USD is 100,000 RMB" and then bought 65,000 biscuits. I found that the price of biscuits was 60,000 USD a year later. I decisively sold each biscuit at a loss of 5,000 USD, and 1,000 USD at a loss of about 9 USD, but he found that his RMB had depreciated by 110, 109,000 RMB, RMB is more, but it needs to depreciate and not appreciate. Is the money worth spending? Later, I have to consider local consumer prices.

If there is currency appreciation, the money invested abroad will be bad. Simple version of logic.