Summary of Trump's speech at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference: On the first day of taking office, he fired Gary Gensler and established a strategic reserve of Bitcoin

#比特币大会 #美国PCE通胀放缓 #美联储何时降息? #美国以太坊现货ETF开始交易 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? Summary of the key points of Trump's speech at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference:

1. The reason for participating in the 2024 Bitcoin Conference is to keep the United States at the forefront of the cryptocurrency field. The United States will become the global cryptocurrency capital and the world's Bitcoin superpower.

2. Bitcoin is a "miracle of cooperation and human achievement." If we do not embrace cryptocurrency and Bitcoin technology, other countries will dominate. Bitcoin represents freedom, sovereignty, and currency that is not forced or controlled by the government.

3. In order to facilitate mining in the encrypted digital field, efforts will be made in the power supply field to develop fuel power generation, nuclear power, and other environmentally friendly power generation methods. After being elected, the United States will become the country with the lowest energy and electricity costs.

4. I hope that cryptocurrency will be mined in the United States.

5. On the first day of being elected, Gary Gensler, Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), will be fired.

6. After being elected president, a Bitcoin/Cryptocurrency Presidential Advisory Committee will be appointed.

7. If elected, there will never be a central bank digital currency (CBDC) during my presidency, and the Treasury Department will be ordered to stop creating CBDC.

8. Bitcoin does not threaten the US dollar, and the actions of the current US government are threatening the US dollar.

9. Billions of people will deposit their savings in Bitcoin, never sell your Bitcoin.

10. If elected, the government will retain 100% of the Bitcoin it owns and will prevent the US government from selling seized Bitcoin.

11. The market value of Bitcoin will surpass gold in the future. Since its birth, the market value of Bitcoin has been increasing. It has become the ninth largest asset in the world by market value. It will soon surpass silver and gold in the future.

12. If elected, a national strategic Bitcoin reserve will be established.

13. Once again promised to commute the sentence of Ross Ulbricht, the founder of Silk Road.

14. If elected president, Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies will soar like never before, and Bitcoin will fly to the moon.