According to ChainCatcher, Messari released Polygon’s second quarter report for 2024. The main contents are as follows:

  • Daily active addresses reached 1.2 million (up 47.6% month-on-month), and the average daily transaction volume was 4.1 million (up 3.9% month-on-month).

  • Gaming continues to lead in Q1 2024.

  • The average transaction fee of Polygon PoS dropped to $0.01, a decrease of 41.1% month-on-month. Q1 2024 EIP-4844 was implemented on the Polygon PoS mainnet.

  • Polygon Labs integrated zkVM SP1 built on Plonky3 to generate pessimistic proofs for AggLayer to ensure the security of cross-chain asset transfers.

  • Launch of a $1 billion Community Grants Program (CGP) to support developers and projects in the Polygon ecosystem. CGP will distribute 100 million POL tokens per year over the next ten years.

  • Announced a collaboration with Aragon to develop the Polygon Governance Center as a step towards decentralization. This will be a full-stack governance solution that focuses on the two pillars of Polygon governance: protocol governance and system smart contract governance.