No matter what you choose in life, there will be regrets. The real strong person escapes from his heart in the dead of night, mends his clothes by himself, and wakes up with confidence.

[Market Review:]

Smoothly, we gave a long idea again in the afternoon. This is the third time I have publicly suggested going long. The market has been in a volatile operation since the afternoon. I also reminded in the previous article that it will definitely continue to move upward. Our Duodanbuju in the afternoon still entered the market near 68200, and the aunt kept the same pace. The price just broke through the 69000 line. Our Duodan also left the market near 68900. After all, the most secure thing is to take a bag. Duodanbuju in the afternoon once again won the space of 560/38 Dian! #BTC☀ #BTC走势预测

  【Subsequent thoughts in the evening:】

  Combining the current market structure and news, Trump will give a speech at 3 pm on the 28th, which will undoubtedly enter a one-sided market again. We all know that Trump is very optimistic about Bitcoin. The price has just substantially broken through the 69,000 mark. It can be seen that it has stabilized at the first line. Although it has not continued to rise, the structure still shows a consolidation and accumulation technique. According to the recent structural form, the market will still have a momentum of rising in the future, combined with the news. Then we will continue to develop oranges around the bulls, but the specific entry still needs to wait for the subsequent retracement and stabilization before looking at the bulls.

  Big cake around 69,000-68,700 more, the target is 70,500

  Auntie around 3,300-3,290 more, the target is 3,400