Meet Move, a language specifically designed to help you work with digital assets efficiently and securely.

What is Move?

Move is a language created by the Diem project team at Facebook in 2020. Its design replicates some of the principles of Rust, with a focus on improving the management of digital asset types in Blockchain technologies. With Move, the traditional security risks and inefficiencies associated with earlier languages ​​are mitigated.


Here are some key features that make Move an outstanding language:

  • Resource Concept : Move emphasizes the resource paradigm, which views digital assets as discrete items that cannot be copied or moved.

  • Move Prover: This is a built-in verification tool in Move. Its task is to ensure that programs comply with the stated rules and do not contain errors. This increases its safety.

  • BCS bytecode compilation: Programs written in Move are compiled into binary canonical serialization (BCS) bytecode, a format that is both secure and efficient for a variety of blockchain applications.

  • Flexibility and Scalability: Move supports a range of applications from simple transactions to complex financial obligations. It also allows developers to create reusable modules.

  • Open Source : Move is open source and community driven. This allows for adjustments to be made in line with changing trends in digital finance.

Move provides a reliable foundation for efficient and secure digital asset management. Its innovative features and community-driven growth ensure that Move remains relevant in the digital finance space.

Move was originally part of Facebook's ambitious Libra project, later renamed Diem. It was designed to overcome the limitations of existing blockchain languages, especially in terms of security and digital asset management. Their intention was to create a globally accessible and efficient payment system.

Although Diem has faced hurdles in the form of regulatory approval, Move's innovative capabilities have managed to attract wider interest from the blockchain community. The principles and potential of Move were too significant to be limited to just one project.

Distribution: Aptos, Sui and beyond

Among the first to implement Move on their platforms were Aptos and Sui, both companies initiated by former members of the Diem team.

Aptos : Aptos is focused on enhancing Move to improve security features and asset processing capabilities, aiming to create a user-friendly blockchain ecosystem.

Sui : Focused on scalability and customizability, Sui has modified Move to support a new consensus mechanism and state management system, increasing speed and flexibility.

Other Initiatives: Platforms such as Starcoin, 0L and Celo have used Move for their smart contracts. Other platforms, such as Solana, are exploring its integration.

Currently, Movement is working on Move-EVM compatibility, among other innovations.

Growing Move Ecosystem

Move is now seen not just as a programming language, but as an integral part of a growing ecosystem that extends across various blockchains. By addressing the complex needs of digital asset management, Move has set a new standard in blockchain development, emphasizing security, flexibility and scalability.

The expansion of Diem's ​​Move to platforms such as Aptos and Sui highlights the robust language design and innovative drive of the blockchain community. Move's journey from a Facebook initiative to a cornerstone of blockchain technology demonstrates how good ideas can transcend their origins and adapt to broader applications.

What is Movement Labs?

The movement was born from a simple idea: what if you could take advantage of the Move programming language in any distributed environment?

At Movement Labs, we've come together to share our passion for Move with the industry and make our favorite programming language accessible to as many people as possible around the world. By creating seamless standardization across infrastructures, we can open innovation to everyone.

It's about creating a world where cryptocurrency is not just a currency or a technology, but about creating a movement that unites us all.

Basic principles of movement

  1. Unified Ecosystem: Movement Labs brings together multiple blockchain platforms under one infrastructure, eliminating barriers typically associated with silos and facilitating seamless collaboration and innovation. Our standardized interface streamlines interaction between platforms, making the blockchain ecosystem more accessible for both developers and users.

  2. Accessibility and Inclusiveness : Our goal is to make blockchain technology more democratic, user-friendly, and accessible to everyone. To achieve this, we created the Movement SDK, which complements existing frameworks such as EthereumVM or EVM. This ensures universal compatibility and easy integration, making adoption easier.

  3. Interdependence for Open Innovation : The movement is structured to improve communication between different platforms. This allows users to freely collaborate and leverage advances from a wider range of blockchains, fostering a culture of collaborative innovation where ideas can be developed and implemented across different blockchains.

  4. Forward-looking and community-focused: Movement evolves as blockchain technology evolves, ensuring all projects are at the forefront of innovation. At its core, Movement is powered by a vibrant community of builders and innovators passionate about shaping the future of blockchain.

At Movement Labs, we are more than a technology provider. We are pioneers leading a movement to reshape the blockchain landscape. Our focus on accessibility, connectedness and community engagement isn't just about creating products—it's about creating a rich legacy that leaves a positive, lasting impact.