#socialfi #tipcoin

1. What is Tipcoin?

Tipcoin is a product on the socialfi track, an attention or traffic monetization project.

After players bind their Twitter accounts with tipcoin and update their tweets with the Tip tag, they can receive corresponding points, which will correspond to future project airdrops.

Tipcoin posted its first tweet on September 1, announcing the airdrop and how to participate. After that, KOLs followed up and promoted it, and it started to gain popularity and more players began to pay attention.

web3 social Tipcoin project

2. How to play Tipcoin?

Currently, Tipcoin has been online for less than 2 weeks, and the number of Twitter fans has reached 138.3k, and the number of views and interaction data of tweets are very high.

Users bind their Twitter account on the thetipcoin.io official website and use the#tipor $tip tag when updating information on Twitter to earn points, which will correspond to future $TIP airdrops.

Different proportions of points are obtained based on the views, likes, comments, citations and retweets of the tweet. The higher the popularity and the more points, the greater the weight of airdrops in the future.

If you don’t have many followers on Twitter and your tweets have few views, you can also leave comments and tags under big Vs or popular tweets, which can also be counted as tip activity and get rewarded with points.

Earn Tipcoin points

3. Tipcoin’s advantages and positioning

Tipcoin is positioned as a web3 social network, allowing users with traffic to realize content monetization and fan monetization.

First attract traffic bloggers and Twitter influencers, and attract their fans and users through their influence; bloggers with traffic can get more Tipcoin points by gaining attention and traffic, and the interaction and participation of fans can allow The points they have are more valuable. Although there is no link shared by Fission, the traffic can be monetized.

As more people post tweets with the#tiptag on Twitter, there is no need for @official (required for the first phase of the event), and there are no other requirements, which attracts more people’s attention and followers, creating more communication and Participation also drives more people to participate in tipcoin interaction.

In addition, tip is a tip. In the context of tipping culture and society, some people are willing to like and follow content creators (i.e., content service providers), which can be considered a tip.

socialfi project Lens Protocol

4. Tipcoin project development forecast

In the web2 and web3 markets, content, fans, and traffic monetization are the goals of creators. How to attract users with traffic to stay in the project and continue to interact is also the focus of many projects.

Content creators bring their own traffic and can also bring goods. Tipcoin is distributed through tokens (points), allowing creators and Tipcoin to be bound together and promote each other. The creator can monetize and the project gets attention, so that the project can continue to develop.

But does the market pay for socialfi products?

Creators are tweeting with the#tiptag, and the ultimate goal is to obtain tokens and profits;

If the project is airdropped and there is no market to pay for the tokens after they are launched, there is no liquidity, and the TIP in the hands of the creator will be worthless, or the value will be very low, and it will not be able to stimulate creators to continue to invest, and it will be difficult for the project to develop.

socialfi project Phaver

Socialfi has many similar products, how far can Tipcoin go?

With the development of blockchain, web3 social networking continues to be explored.

For example, friend.tech was very popular some time ago. Fans can buy KOL share keys to interact. In the end, only the KOL makes a profit, but the fans only invest and get no profit, and the project cannot maintain its popularity.

Without a complete economic model, fans cannot continue to pay for KOL unless they really see the KOL's future expectations.

socialfi project friend.tech

There is another project that relies on Twitter traffic monetization, TwitFi. Users can get tokens by bringing the#TwitFitag when tweeting. However, after it became popular for a while, it almost returned to zero.

Because the $TWT received by the creators is converted into little profit, they cannot get out of the circle and cannot form sustainable development.

The exploration of various projects such as Socialfi, web3 social, or attention monetization continues, but it is indeed not easy to challenge the traditional social network of web2 and requires a long development cycle.

socialfi project DeBox

4. What should the future web3 social network look like?

Socialfi is an important track in web3, but currently there is no gameplay and participation method that users are satisfied with. There is no project that is particularly out of the circle, and one company is the only one.​

There is also an urgent need for KOL traffic and content monetization. At present, the main revenue comes from advertising fees and link commissions. There is a huge market demand for content monetization.

For example, Twitter distributes revenue based on KOL traffic, which is also a way to retain creators. Twitter, the leader in Web2 social networking, is also trying to retain users and content authors as much as possible. It is not easy to rely on web2 Twitter to develop web3 social networking. I don’t know how far Tipcoin will go this time.

Web3 needs socialfi projects that grow natively on the blockchain. I believe there will be innovative web3 social networking in the future, but it will take time.​

The above is just my personal opinion, no investment advice. I am Chuxiaolian, and I am paying attention to the encryption market and web3.