The backlash of money is very strong. If a person does not have high moral character and wisdom to contribute, it is difficult to withstand this backlash. Many people start to get carried away when they earn a certain amount of money. They will act arrogantly, be extravagant, ignore rules and ethics, and destroy public order and good customs. Everyone has a critical point in the amount of money they earn in their lifetime. When a person's inferior nature is exposed by money, the wealth value is the limit of wealth. Money is water, and people are porridge. Water can carry porridge, but it can also overturn a boat. Only those who know how to hide are blessed. Don't tell others about what's going on at home, and don't show off in various ways. The more you show off, the more you reveal. What you share may not necessarily be what others want to see, then all kinds of dissatisfaction and thoughts will come back to you, and you will be jealous, resentful, disgusted, and troubled, and you can't bear it. It's not a good thing to let others know too much about you. Blessed people are hiding, hiding their heads but not showing their tails, because they know that excessive exposure will reveal their own qi and luck. When a person starts to show off, it's also the beginning of disaster. Light without glare, still waters run deep, poverty without revealing one's bones, wealth without revealing one's appearance, a deep understanding of virtue, knowing how to hide one's immediate happiness.

#比特币大会 #美国以太坊现货ETF开始交易 #币安HODLer空投BANANA #山寨季何时到来?