Hi, fellow coin friends, pay attention! The highly anticipated Dong Wang will give a speech at the Big Pie Conference at 2 a.m. tomorrow, which will last for half an hour.

This is an exciting moment. My community partners and I have decided to stay up late as an exception, just to witness this moment!

This morning, Brother Mao has publicly published a post to discuss with everyone the promise of another candidate - if he is elected, Big Pie will become a strategic reserve asset.

At the same time, other participants in the Big Pie Conference seem to be gradually accepting cryptocurrencies. In this context, whether Dong Wang will stick to his original position has become a question worthy of attention.

Recently, various news have emerged in an endless stream, making people overwhelmed. Brother Mao reminds everyone not to be confused by superficial information? Sometimes, market fluctuations are exactly what some big investors want, and they may use these fluctuations to wash the market.

The market seems to be gradually recovering in recent days, so will Dong Wang's speech tonight bring us some positive signals?

Everyone is welcome to share their views in the comment area, and let us discuss together how Dong Wang's speech will affect our investment decisions. Let's wait and see whether Dong Wang can bring us some surprises at this critical moment! I am Mao Ge, a wave theory enthusiast, remember to pay attention. #比特币大会 #美国PCE通胀放缓 #美联储何时降息? #美国以太坊现货ETF开始交易 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? $ETH