What does it mean to short on the left and long on the right?

Let's continue with the interpretation of the support and resistance swap position in the quoted article.

Is 6.03 in the figure a known resistance? Does the historical trend tell you that this is a support and resistance swap position? Then before the price breaks through, it is a short order on the left.

This is what the callers often send, XXX short, XXX cover position, XXX stop loss, XXX take profit. These are all strategies for left-side judgment.

And what about right-side trading🤔

When the short-term price of tia closes above the support and resistance swap position, your short-selling idea will be confirmed as a misjudgment. Before the currency price falls back to the support and resistance swap position, it is a bullish signal of a right-side breakthrough. Jimei, do you understand? #tia #左侧交易右侧交易 #跟着驰哥学交易