The most authentic voice of the entire network, a must-read analysis for people in the currency circle, a week's summary: overall ✓88%!

All records are in the Binance column, which are authentic and can be checked, so I won't post the pictures one by one.

This week, the situation of Ultraman's entire stone plate is 🛫 again. Although it is accompanied by a wash, as long as you are not stubborn, you should be 🛫. Since the announcement of the non-agricultural on July 5th until today, the real market has been dominated by longs. Although there was a U-turn in the middle of this week, it was also a temporary market. 99% of the stone plate is Zuo's Duo. It is conceivable that from 55,000 to 68,000, from 2,900 to 3,500, the real market has eaten burps, all the way, good news, good news, and currency withdrawals. If you want to give it to you, how much 👇 can you eat.

The first three days of this week, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, the operation was very simple and all revolved around bullish Zuo, and all Zuo ✓ was relatively smooth.

On Thursday, the big waterfall, affected by Grayscale's selling and smashing, washed us once, and then turned around and turned the tide.

On Friday, it rebounded even more. The market gave the Bitcoin Conference face and washed us naturally. We were also beaten. We ran short afterwards and lived up to expectations and ended perfectly!

Five-day integration ~ The overall short-term wave band gave a big cake together, and Ethereum together 23 pieces, ×4 pieces, ✓19 pieces, and got 👇 10500 points of big cake and 730 points of Ethereum!

All are given in real time, Xianjia, there is no such thing as playing word games! The two Cangs of Shipan are the basis, and those who understand will understand, so I won't say much! The opening market has arrived. Next week's small target is 16000 points for Bitcoin and 1000 points for Ethereum in the short term! If you can't see it for yourself, look for Ultraman!

There is no one who always wins in the market. If there is, it is a god in the clouds. We are allowed to make mistakes, but we are not allowed to know the mistakes and not change them. Don't wait until you lose all your positions before you think of asking for help. Cherish every opportunity!

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