Some people say that this is the darkest moment for Ethereum and the Ethereum ecosystem. I find that there is indeed some truth to this. The market is full of bearish voices, one after another!

Even cursing Ethereum has become politically correct?

I couldn’t stand it, so I decided that during the period when Ethereum was falling and the ETF was constantly being sold through Grayscale, I would be the tough guy who was determined to be bullish on Ethereum and buy it when it fell.

You can think of me as someone whose head is determined by my butt, but this is also my true opinion; in fact, my Bitcoin position was adjusted to be larger than Ethereum in the last cycle. I am a Bitcoin maximalist, but the position of Ethereum in my heart is absolutely unshakable. It is not comparable to other alternative public chains, because its path is unreplicable. Ethereum must be great!

I found a problem, that is, whenever Ethereum falls, its shortcomings, such as high GAS fees and congestion, will be magnified by everyone, as if this is the original sin of Ethereum; but when Ethereum rises, no one mentions it, and it even seems that everyone can accept this fucked-up fee rate;

Of course, Ethereum’s GAS and security are bound to remain in the impossible triangle. There is no panacea to completely solve all of them in the short term. I have seen a very interesting prediction of Ethereum’s path written by Professor Wang Chuan:

The following passage is from Wang Chuan’s Treasure Book:

Before Ethereum 2.0 is successfully deployed, a possible development path is:

The emergence of a certain second-layer rollup solution has reduced the transaction fees of a certain local link, attracted more traffic into Ethereum, and promoted the complexity of the ecosystem.

——Because of the influx of new traffic, an application on Ethereum becomes a new bottleneck, network fees soar again, and traffic overflows to other centralized backup public chains.

——The big guys get rich quietly, the small investors complain loudly, public opinion becomes pessimistic again, the market value of the backup public chain rises (similar to the increase in suburban housing prices exceeding the increase in city center housing prices at a certain period of time), and they package themselves as Ethereum killers to attract traffic.

——New second-layer solutions have emerged on the Ethereum network, Ethereum fees have fallen, and traffic has returned to Ethereum, further complicating its ecology, and the difference in actual ecological complexity with the backup public chain continues to widen.

We can learn from history to understand changes in everything. Ethereum actually developed in a spiral. The backup public chain has its value, and their greatest value is to promote the spiral development of Ethereum.

Compared with other alternative public chains, the fees on the Ethereum network will remain high for a long time. Just like the housing prices in the center of Shanghai are always higher than those in the suburbs such as Jiading or Fengxian. And in the world, there are always faint whispers, spreading the legend that "housing prices are too high and no one lives there."

In other words, if you are Wall Street and a banker, would you rather hype Ethereum or something else? Don’t forget that in addition to its technological innovation and stable development, Ethereum has one thing that other alternative public chains cannot match: Ethereum is a high-quality bond!

So, brothers, don’t believe those stupid remarks, those remarks will only make you miss out on wealth. Ethereum big players are making money quietly, but they just don’t tell you, just like the big guys living in Silicon Valley are making money, but you laugh at them for being stupid and not knowing how to rent a house in the suburbs to enjoy life.

How ridiculous! ?