PANews reported on July 27 that in response to Ethereum developer Péter Szilágyi's remarks that Ethereum is becoming more and more "decentralized verification, but centralized control", Vitalik Buterin said that he had just attended the EF research seminar last week and could confirm that this view was wrong. Various discussions were held at the meeting on how to minimize centralization. Including:

  • A deeper analysis of multi-proposers to see if the role of the builder can be eliminated entirely

  • Maximizing the Power of Inclusion List (FOCIL)

  • Thoughts on fork choice depend on transaction inclusion

  • Analysis of the Orbit SSF and ideas for accelerating the deployment of the Orbit mechanism, which could reduce the minimum deposit by more than 10 times before we do the SSF

  • Distributed Blockchain Construction for PeerDAS:

  • Network analysis and bandwidth optimization for PeerDAS and fullDAS

  • Make 51% attack recovery more automated and less dependent on the “social layer”

  • Ensure include lists are fully applicable to (i) blob and (ii) native account abstraction (e.g. EIP-7560) transactions

Earlier news, Ethereum core developer Péter Szilágyi (karalabe.eth) tweeted that the future direction of Ethereum, PeerDAS, plans to increase the data block size to 32MB in the next upgrade, which will have a negative impact on local block producers. He pointed out that Ethereum's block propagation time is very strict, with only 4 seconds to propagate the block to the entire network. Although PeerDAS divides the subnet, it still needs to propagate 32MB of data within 4 seconds, which is an unbearable burden for home nodes.