I saw an interview with Jack Ma before, in which he said that in the early days of Alibaba, as long as the person was normal, they would be hired. Now, it is very difficult to get into Alibaba.

This is true for any industry, and you can basically make money in the bonus stage. In the cryptocurrency world, at first, as long as you believe in it and mine Bitcoin, you will make money.

Then participate in ICO, no matter what your level is, you will make money. Then participate in DeFi mining, airdrops, gamefi, NFT, you will make money if you participate.

The above only requires a little knowledge, and basically any high school graduate will know it. There is no other way, for those who participate in the early stages, the only threshold to gain wealth is to participate.

So those who participated early on made money, unless you can't control your hands and play with contracts and leverage, there is nothing you can do.

The above applies to any early dividend industry (of course, it should be noted that many early projects are scam Ponzi schemes). It doesn’t matter what your personal level is. It’s up to God to decide what you do.

Every little thing you do is like grabbing at a life-saving straw, so that in the end you can hold onto a towering tree. Don’t say that it is meaningless to do something you haven’t done. If you don’t do it yourself, you will never know what it is like. The harder you work, the luckier you will be. If you don’t push yourself, you will never know how good you can be.

Everything is relative, high risk and high return coexist. Before I found the cryptocurrency circle, I tried many projects, and basically lost money, and a few made a small profit. Each one was an attempt, and the cryptocurrency circle was also an attempt at the beginning, but the cryptocurrency circle made money, so I went deeper.

In fact, there are many things that can make more money than the cryptocurrency world, but I just don’t know it. Others are not obligated to tell me, so I have to figure it out on my own.

If you want to reduce the risk and make a lot of money right away, then either you are lucky or you have a good background, there is nothing else.

Also, don't expect others to help you make money. Think about it yourself. Your relatives and friends don't teach you how to make money. How can you expect strangers on the Internet to teach you? At most, others can point you in the right direction and share some of their own methods and experiences. As for asking others to take you to your destination step by step, it is impossible. Everyone's time is precious.

There are still many people who puzzle me. You say you want to try the cryptocurrency world, but you are not willing to spend more time learning more about blockchain. How can that be possible?