$TEA airdrop 🚀 is coming! 🪂
Simple missions - great rewards.
Cost: 0$
It only takes 10 minutes.
Potential Earnings: $5,000+
So let's get started, time is running out. 🧵👇
#空投 #空投领取 #空投教程 #空投线程 #Airdrop
1️⃣ What is Tea?
◼️ The Tea Protocol is a decentralized technology framework secured through a reputation and incentive mechanism that allows open source developers and maintainers to be rewarded for their software contributions. 🍵
Free NFT Minting [ ] 1/2
◼️Go to: https://zora.co/collect/arb:0x2e8851d2f785f80e37656d8d6f4c8847b2e37484/1
◼️Connect wallet
◼️Choose any network
◼️Click "Mint" and confirm the transaction.
(Add zora TX, unofficial NFT and threads necessary)
Free NFT Minting [ ] 2/2
◼️Go to: https://zora.co/collect/arb:0xeebc6f9d66839492e63a184f2f371fb82f842917/1
◼️Connect wallet
◼️Choose any network
◼️Click "Mint" and confirm the transaction.
(Add zora TX, unofficial NFT and threads necessary)
2️⃣ Fundraising.
◼️ In total, approximately $17 million has been raised to fund projects such as (Betaworks, WAX, StrongBlock, and many others).
3️⃣ Create an account.
◼️ Go to: http://app.tea.xyz/sign-up?r=tOrWLxQVWry
◼️ Use the most convenient method to enter.
◼️ Come up with a username and click "Done".
4️⃣ Tea profile.
◼️ Go to: http://app.tea.xyz/settings
◼️ Connect your Github account.
◼️ Add email to profile.
◼️ Add profile details.
5️⃣ Register your first project.
◼️ Go to: http://app.tea.xyz/my-projects/new
◼️ Search for any unregistered items.
◼️ Click: "Next" and select "Manual..." - Continue.
◼️ Click: "Copy to Clipboard".
6️⃣ Create a warehouse.
◼️ Go to: http://github.com/dashboard
◼️Click: “Create repository”.
◼️ Enter any name - Select "Public" - ✔️ (Add README..) - Create.
◼️ Click: "Add File" - Create a new file
◼️ Paste the code into the field - Name the file - "Submit.."
7️⃣ Complete the mission.
◼️ Go to: http://app.tea.xyz/testnet
◼️ Complete as many tasks as possible.
8️⃣ Gleam missions.
◼️ Go to: http://gleam.io/eUGId/be-the-first-100-of-people-to-tweet-about-the-tea-burn
◼️ Complete simple tasks.
9️⃣ Zealy mission.
◼️ Go to: http://zealy.io/cw/teaprotocol/invite/ChgNxEy7Ei0dhc8DgrJ13
◼️ Log in using your MetaMask or other wallet.
◼️ Complete as many tasks as possible.