BB market today's market analysis shows that the appearance of purple dots on the two-hour chart, as a clear buy signal of the short side, indicates that the market is about to enter a downward relay stage.

Therefore, we recommend that investors decisively arrange short orders when observing the vicinity of red dots to grasp the market trend.

The target profit range is locked around 0.4061 to 0.3999, and the expected profit can reach up to 2.73%.

At the same time, risk management cannot be ignored. It is recommended to set a stop loss point around 0.4200 to avoid potential market risks.

It should be emphasized that the current market is in a long position at the four-hour level. This operation is a counter-market operation, so the profit space is relatively limited. Investors should stay sober, avoid excessive short chasing, and learn to lock in profits in time to ensure the safety of profits. #美国PCE通胀放缓 #bb空军集合地 #BB币 $BTC $ETH $BB