With the Fed’s interest rate cut as a bellwether, will the altcoin market once again see a surge?

Looking back to 2020, when the pandemic was raging, the Fed launched unlimited quantitative easing with great force, like a financial storm, instantly igniting the flames of the altcoin market. At that time, trading platforms such as Binance witnessed the rocket-like rise in the price of altcoins, and some currencies even staged a hundred-fold myth, with an astonishing wealth effect.

However, history will not repeat itself simply. Since the 2008 financial crisis, the Fed’s interest rate cut strategy has frequently emerged, but the unlimited QE in 2020 is undoubtedly a special case. It is like a powerful medicine, designed to fight the economic winter of the pandemic.

Today, as the global economy gradually recovers, the Fed’s interest rate cut pace may be more stable, entering a more prudent interest rate range, such as a mild zone of 2% to 3%. Against this background, if the altcoin market wants to continue its glory, it may not be possible with a policy of interest rate cuts.

What it needs is a more diversified market driving force, a harmonious dance between technological innovation and regulatory policies, and a perfect fusion of investor rationality and enthusiasm.

Therefore, we should perhaps have rational expectations for the Fed's future interest rate cuts, rather than blindly betting on another carnival in the altcoin market. #比特币大会 #美国PCE通胀放缓 #美联储何时降息? #美国以太坊现货ETF开始交易 #美国大选如何影响加密产业?