This is how I feel about BITCOIN

Bitcoin is the solution for the separation of money and state. By cutting this umbilical cord between money and state, power hungry bureaucrats lose one of the critical levers they use to control the lives of their citizens.

While Bitcoin is also a censorship-resistant monetary network, it’s also resistant to corruption by those that wish to turn it into another system of control. It’s the largest and most successful peaceful protest in the world today against central bank...

tyranny that transcends national borders, race, religion and political affiliation. Bitcoin succeeded where Occupy Wall Street failed by offering anyone and everyone the option to voluntarily exit the fiat ponzi.

This stateless money was created to replace the current immoral financial system along with its fiat currencies and institutions.

Bitcoin is a parallel, permissionless monetary system that was engineered from the ground up and everyone who holds bitcoin today does so freely. No state compulsion or legal tender laws required.

The Bitcoin network confers upon each participant equal irrevocable property rights regardless of their financial status. It’s a global, neutral money accessible to all.

Bitcoin is freedom.