📢 Trump leads in international online support, but Harris is popular in China?

On the international network, Trump's chances of winning the presidential election are almost certain. However, in China, we see a large number of IPs marketing Harris. Why does this happen?

According to friends in the United States, Harris's support rate on the Chinese Internet far exceeds Trump's. On platforms such as a certain audio platform, Harris's support rate has been pushed to the peak frequently, but this may be driven by foreign forces such as Squid Capital.

Although Harris's campaign prospects are not optimistic, they are preparing for the next four years. This explains why many hosts and entertainment IPs are discussing Harris and claiming that her support rate exceeds Trump.

But please note that most of these data come from Harris's home ground - blue states (Democratic bases). In Republican home grounds or neutral states, the situation may be completely different.

Although Trump has not yet officially taken office, he has already exerted influence politically, especially on the issue of Ukraine. His victory on the international network is seen as inevitable.

The large amount of marketing of Harris in China shows how capital shapes its image through marketing. However, we need to think rationally about this information to avoid being misled.

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