The market in the afternoon has hardly changed, and it is still in a state of shock and tug-of-war. The overall volatility space is also more suitable for our short-term and ultra-short-term operations. The volatility space is 300 points up and down. The trend of the concubine is more clever. It has been rising from the low of 3085 in the early morning, and stopped at 3274 in the afternoon. It has been testing the upper resistance and rising slowly step by step. If the current market does not change much, then our low-multiple thinking will not change for the time being.

You can pay attention to the recent hot news:

Kennedy, an independent candidate for the US President, gave a speech: He hopes that the US BTC holdings will be the same as the scale of the US gold reserves, and said that he will urge the federal government to make preparations as soon as possible. You must know that the US government is the world's largest gold owner, with 8,134 tons of gold. At the current price, gold is worth $615 billion, and 9.4 million BTC are needed to match this value, which is equivalent to nearly 45% of the total supply. It is all for the purpose of soliciting votes. It is good for the short term, and it will take a long time, 3-5 years or even longer.

However, the political implications of the Nashville Bitcoin Conference have become prominent in recent days. Comrade Jianguo will speak on the 27th. We need to pay attention to the fluctuations in the market. In my opinion, it will not change the pattern of high-level fluctuations for 5 months. At most, there will be some fluctuations in the daily or small levels.

Yesterday, the Bitcoin ETF had an inflow of 31.1 million, the Ethereum ETF had an outflow of 152 million, and Grayscale had a total outflow of 1.157 billion. GBTC also had an outflow of nearly 93.1 million in the past three days. Mt.Gox compensation and FTX compensation have also begun. The bad news will soon be out.

Bitcoin: 67700-67400, with multiple targets focusing on 68500

Ethereum: 3230-3200, with multiple targets focusing on 3350#美国以太坊现货ETF开始交易 #比特币大会 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #拜登退选 #币安HODLer空投BANANA $BTC $ETH