#美国以太坊现货ETF开始交易 #MtGox钱包动态 #山寨季何时到来?

It has been a long time since I took you to operate spot. Let's make a spot layout. TNSR is currently priced at 0.475~0.45 to enter the spot layout. This is the currency of the SOL sector. Now that the ETH ETF has been hyped, the next ETF is likely to be SOL. The currency of the SOL sector will be the next hype hotspot.

The current market value of TRNS is around 60 million, which is not high, and it is relatively easy to pull it up. Let's look at the trend line. On the daily line, TNSRSKDJ pre-formed a golden cross and rose, and the spot layout can be laid out.

The upper target position can first look at the increase of 20 points, and look at the position of 0.58. Breaking through the pressure position will accelerate the rise. $TNSR