【2024.7.26 Bitcoin Ethereum Intraday Market Analysis】

This wave of rebound is quite fierce, brothers. Judging from the K-line trend, it stabilized at the bottom support area of ​​the previous wave of daily lines near 63500 last night. This position was mentioned in the early morning of the 24th. If it does not fall below this position, it will start to go up. This wave of rise will first depend on whether the previous high of 68500 in the past few days can stand firm. If it stands firm, it will continue to go up. The next target is around 7.02w!

Let’s review the strategy given in the early morning. Bitcoin said that as long as it stands above 65860, this wave of daily line correction will end and it will start to rise again. The opening price of the daily line in the morning was 65773. After the opening, it began to rise steadily in small steps, breaking through the second target I gave!

The strategy of Ethereum last night said that it would continue to fall after breaking the previous low. At 4 o'clock in the morning, a wave of declines reached 3085. The first support level I gave was 3090. Once it was inserted at this position, it began to pull up and rushed straight to the first pressure level of 3195. After the correction, it stabilized near the position of 3160. I said in the analysis that as long as it stood above 3160 at the 1-hour level, it would start to rebound upward. At present, the second target of 3250 has also been accurately reached!

The trend analysis and direction are given. Just look at it to see if you can understand it. The market will not go to a certain place once it rises. It must stand firmly at a certain position before it will continue to rise. This is self-understanding, no more words!

Today's market analysis:

$BTC currently rebounded in 4 hours, and the small-level bulls started to rise. Pay attention to the upper pressure level/target 67500-68400-69150 in today's rebound!

Pay attention to the following positions of 65300-64432-63850 when stepping back. As long as the price does not fall below 65300 today, the market will still fluctuate upward! #BTC走势分析

$ETH At present, other levels of the daily short side are rebounding. Pay attention to the position of 3250 above today. Only by breaking through this pressure level can the market continue to move up. Pay attention to the two positions of 3335-3408 above!

Pay attention to the following position of 3230 when stepping back today. This position is the long and short price at the 4-hour level. If the price falls below this position, the rebound at the 4-hour level will fail and the market will turn short. Pay attention to the following positions of 3177-3130-3190 below!

(If you want to go up, you must break through 3250. If you want to fall, you must fall below 3230. If you can neither break through nor fall, the small level will continue to go sideways)#ETH走势分析